Whoa..it has been a while

Work loads has been taking tolls on my Online privileges, and I'm singing to Arkarna's " So Little Time So Much To Do". 2010 is still dawning on us, so is those tons upon tons of works that needed to be attended and beveled out. And in passion (and burned out skin) I say 'Bravo Provisimo to my Athletics Team (though I can honestly say, with respect to the boys and girls from the 80m hurdles, long and high jump events) my boys from the 100m and 200m events SUCKS BIG TIME!!(The rants starts here...) I've been playing along all this while, prepping them up for the Competition, and (upon reaching the Stadium) the first thing those two darn boys did was flirting with the girls aka their sworn competitors ~ IN FRONT OF MY BARE EYES!!! Yes, I've been accumulating this anger for some time and I have decided to go ballistic on them this coming Monday! Yes, they're preadolescence boys whose balls just barely starting to kick off testosterone but THAT IS not THE REASON for screwing up their events. (The rant stops here)..  

Together Forever Whatever Nevermind


AJ said...

vynne: youre look so darker than thine.. hahaahahahaaah