Sizzling Stresses and What’s Not..


Holidays is a bliss. No work to do, no calls, no nothing. It was supposedly a quiet time time where you enjoy your favorite books, eat to your heart’s content, and be blissful and feel blessed..NOT!! Now, not that I’m lamenting or throwing rabid tantrums or such sort, but I am somehow missing the essence of my entire holiday. My holiday, as Armanda Christie would coin it, was a total craptastic endeavor one after another. In fact, my holidays started with an emotional scars and bruises and up to this point the spirit of Felize Navidad failed in materialize in me despite the 200+ Christmas songs I’ve been spinning all day through.Why? Why am I looking forward to go back to school? Why am I so eager to start off my class? Why did not the Christmasey feeling sets in to perk me off? As I would say off again and again, after tumbling down and all flattered with the moods, yep, here I am saying it again My holiday totally rots on me ~sigh~


Master Mervyn said...

typo - failed to materialize in me....

FBS Headmaster said...

So its better to not have a holiday? haha kidding! Enjoy your holidays man, dont let too much worries or stuffs gets in your way. If you sinking in to the negativity of the holidays then you will missed out even more than you can gain :D

AJ said...

hahaha...vynne..but next year better going holiday somewhere else.. kan?? not just stuck here in Sabah

Amanda Christine Wong said...

'armanda christie' - that's not me, right? :p

oh well, it's just 2 weeks to christmas, it'll probably get better by then :)

Master Mervyn said...

:) sorry for the typo Amanda.. yep, I'll just put on hoping that there would be a silver lining to all of this predicaments I'm going through now..